De Bosjes
(Theatre Trailer)
"On the day Russian cosmonaut Gagarin makes his space flight, a hole opens in the fence leading to the woods where the children are not allowed to play. A group of young adults look back on a childhood moment when one of them suddenly disappeared. They try to find out what happened in the bushes that day."

STUK was played from May 24 to June 2, 2018 in Fort Uitermeer Weesp.

Andre Dashorst, Esrah van Emde Boas, Kiara Dispa, Maud Wabeke, Mendel van der Ploeg, Merijn Trimbos, Mertijn Wien, Milla Kamstra, Ovide van der Vlist, Paula Wabeke, Rajja Gomez Iglesias and Sophie Anna Veelenturf